Stay Relevant, Current and on Course to be Respected as an Internal Communicator

Here is my follow-up to the post –Why are Internal Communicators Always on the Ball?

 Prakash is probably right – there is a lot of difference between what other teams do in comparison to his team.  That should make him proud instead of feeling demoralized. However, that is easier said than done.

To put things in perspective, Raju needs to ask him the following questions:

  • Are you finding the work exciting?
  • Do you feel you are leveraging your talent to the fullest?
  • Are you a better professional than you were before you joined this team?
  • Have you learnt and are you learning something new every day?
  • Do you see a future for the function and yourself?

If Prakash gets the answers to these questions he shouldn’t be worried. In fact, those having a good time in other teams need to be concerned since they may be the first to be let go when an organization considers letting go of staff – God forbid.

Prakash has to be also coached that internal communicators are a rare breed and it helps for the function to always be on point – while on a campaign and when off it. So what gives Prakash credibility, access and respect with his stakeholders? They are – staying relevant, staying the course and staying current.

Having tea and taking leisurely strolls around the campus can get your some fresh air and a break from the usual but it won’t get people far in their careers or enrichment in their jobs.